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Extracting S&P 500 Index Data in Real-Time

In this lesson, we will learn how to extract S&P 500 stock data from Yahoo Finance.

1. Fetching the Current Price

Fetching the Current Price using find_element
current_price_element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//div[contains(@class, 'price')]//fin-streamer[contains(@class, 'livePrice')]//span")
current_price = current_price_element.text

find_element() is used to find a specific element on the page.

The XPATH is defined as follows:

  • div[contains(@class, 'price')] : div tag that contains price class

  • fin-streamer[contains(@class, 'livePrice')] : fin-streamer tag that contains livePrice class

  • span : span tag

In summary, the XPATH selects elements with div tags containing the price class, fin-streamer tags containing the livePrice class, and finally the span tag.

2. Fetching the Previous Close Value

Fetching the Previous Close Value
previous_close_element = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'fin-streamer[data-field="regularMarketPreviousClose"]')))
previous_close = previous_close_element.text

By.CSS_SELECTOR is used to select the fin-streamer tag with the data-field="regularMarketPreviousClose" attribute.

The XPATH is defined as follows:

  • fin-streamer[data-field="regularMarketPreviousClose"] : fin-streamer tag with the data-field="regularMarketPreviousClose" attribute

The previous_close_element stores the element containing the Previous Close value.

previous_close_element.text retrieves the Previous Close value as text.

3. Fetching the Volume Value

Fetching the Volume Value
volume_element = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'fin-streamer[data-field="regularMarketVolume"]')))
volume = volume_element.text

We select the fin-streamer tag with the data-field="regularMarketVolume" attribute to fetch the Volume value.

volume_element.text retrieves the Volume value as text.

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