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How to Use CodeFriends Python Practice Environment

The Python practice environment is designed to allow you to access step-by-step learning materials, write code, and check the results in real-time all on a single screen.

By using the CodeFriends code editor, you can write Python code in your web browser and check the results instantly, without the need for complex Python installation processes.


Each section of the screen, divided into three parts, can be adjusted for height and width with your mouse.

Position your mouse at the boundary of a section and drag up/down or left/right to adjust the size of the section.

1. Step-by-Step Learning Materials

On the left side of the screen, you can check step-by-step learning materials according to the topics of each lesson.

Click on the Learning Tools at the bottom to access AI Tutor (which supports 24-hour Q&A), Lesson Notes, Bookmarks, and Help.

2. Writing Code

In the Write Code section located in the middle of the screen, you can write Python code following the learning materials.

Try to follow the highlighted code in the middle of the screen’s box!

Python code to print the result of 4 divided by 2
print(4 / 2)

You can create new code or improve existing code in the Create Code tab of the code editor.

3. Checking Real-Time Results

On the right side of the screen, you can check the execution results of the Python code in real-time.

To see the results, make sure to wrap the content you want to check within the parentheses of the print() function.

  • Note: In programming, a function refers to a bundle of code that performs a specific task, and the print() function outputs the content within its parentheses to the screen (console).
Usage of the print function
content = "Hello" # Not displayed on the screen

# Only the content inside the parentheses of the print function is displayed on the screen
print("Hi") # Outputs: Hi


Missions are simple quizzes to review what you have learned.

Complete the mission below and click the Complete button to move on to the next lesson! 🚀