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Using the input Function to Receive User Input

The input() function is used to receive input from the user, and it always returns the input data as a string.

Using the input() Function
# Receive input from the user
user_input = input("Please enter your name: ")

# Output the entered data
print(f"Welcome, {user_input}!")

Converting the Data Type of Input

Since the data from input() is returned as a string, you may need to convert it to another data type for arithmetic operations or logical comparisons.

For instance, if you want to receive a number from the user for mathematical operations, the input needs to be converted to an integer or float.

In Python, you can convert a given value to an integer using the int() function and to a float using the float() function.

The following example demonstrates using the int() function to convert the age entered by the user into an integer.

Data Type Conversion of Input
age_input = input("Please enter your age: ")

age = int(age_input) # Convert string to integer using int()

print(f"You are {age} years old.")

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