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Executing When One of Multiple Conditions is Met Using the elif Statement

elif is short for else if and it defines a code block that executes when one of multiple conditions is true.

The elif statement is positioned between the if and else statements and provides additional conditions to check when the if condition is false.

Structure of the elif Statement

You can use multiple elif statements in a single conditional structure.

When one of the elif conditions is true, the code in that block is executed.

Like other conditional keywords, the elif keyword always ends with a colon (:) to indicate the start of a code block.

Example of elif Statement
number = 5

if number > 10:
print("The number is greater than 10.")
elif number > 5:
print("The number is greater than 5 but less than or equal to 10.")
elif number > 0:
print("The number is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5.")
print("The number is 0 or negative.")

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