Coding Quiz - Compare Values
Learn how to calculate squares in Python and implement it in code.
Learn how to calculate squares in Python and implement it in code.
Write a function to create a dictionary
Creating a Car Class
Return a grade corresponding to the score
Write a function that determines if each element in a list is odd or even.
Write a function to traverse a 2D array diagonally
Use filter() and map() to extract only odd numbers from a list.
Implement the Fibonacci sequence using a recursive function.
Write a function that returns a list of all prime numbers within a given integer range
Write a function to find the indices of two numbers in an array that add up to a specific target
Create a program that takes a list of strings and outputs the length of each string.
Create a simple hash table data structure using Python.
Create a simple linked list data structure in Python.
Create a simple queue data structure using Python.
Create a simple stack data structure in Python.
Create a simple array data structure using Python.
Class Quiz
Write a function to find the most profitable buy and sell days from a list of stock prices.
Write a function that converts Celsius(C) to Fahrenheit(F) and vice versa
Write a program using a Python function to return 10 times the given number.
Write a function using the dictionary get method to safely extract values for specific keys.
Create a function that sorts a list of numbers in ascending order using the quick sort algorithm.
A coding quiz using Python's `sort()` function for list sorting
A coding quiz using Python's find() and rfind() functions to locate specific parts within a string.
A coding quiz to print the visit order using DFS
Output the value obtained by adding 5 to a given number.
A coding quiz using Python's integer division operator '//' to return integer results
A coding quiz to return a specific character from a string using Python string indexing