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Coding Quiz - Implementing BankAccount Class

In this coding quiz, you are tasked with implementing a BankAccount class providing simple deposit and withdrawal functionality, and completing a function called solution.

The BankAccount class should contain a private variable __balance representing the account balance, and provide methods for depositing deposit and withdrawing withdraw funds.

The solution function should create a BankAccount object, perform deposits and withdrawals as specified, and return the final balance.

Code Format
class BankAccount:
# Write your code here

def solution(initial_balance, deposit_amount, withdraw_amount):
# Write your code here


  • The _balance attribute should not be directly accessible from outside the class.

  • You must implement the deposit (deposit) and withdrawal (withdraw) methods.

  • If a withdrawal request exceeds the current balance, it should be declined, and the current balance should be returned.

Input/Output Examples

  • Example 1: Initial balance 0, deposit 100, withdrawal 50 → Final balance 50

  • Example 2: Initial balance 0, deposit 200, withdrawal 250 → Final balance 200 (withdrawal refused)

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