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HTML Attributes

HTML attributes consist of names and values that provide additional information to HTML elements.

Attributes are written in the start tag and multiple attributes can be applied to a single HTML element.

Basic Structure of Attributes

HTML attributes are included within the start tag and written in the format name="value".

HTML Attribute Structure
<elementName attributeName="attributeValue"> ... </elementName>

Example Usage of Attributes

img tag with src and alt attributes
<img src="imagepath.jpg" alt="Image description" />

The "src" attribute is a required attribute for the <img> tag, specifying the path to the image.

An img tag without the src attribute will not display an image.

Examples of Key Attributes

  1. Common HTML Tag Attributes: class, id

    Just as every person is distinguished by names and social security numbers, elements on a webpage are distinguished using the class and id attributes to apply styles.

    • class: Used to apply the same style to multiple elements. Multiple elements can share the same class name.
      Example of class Attribute
      <div class="highlight">Applies the highlight class</div>
    • id: Used to distinguish a specific element or select a specific element in JavaScript. The id value must be unique and not duplicated in other HTML elements.
      Example of id Attribute
      <div id="main-content">HTML element with main-content ID</div>

  1. img Tag: src and alt Attributes

    Used to specify the source path (src) and alternative text (alt) of an image in an img element.

    img tag with src and alt attributes
    <img src="" alt="Dog" />

  1. a Tag: href Attribute

    Used to specify the destination URL of a link in an a element.

    a tag with href attribute
    <a href="">Visit Website</a>

Follow the emphasized parts in the code to input them correctly.

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