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What is Merge Sort?

  • Merge Sort is an algorithm that sorts an array by dividing it in half, sorting each part, and then merging them.


  • Divide: Split the array into two parts.

  • Conquer: Individually sort each part.

  • Merge: Combine the sorted parts into a single array.

  • Worst-case time complexity: O(nlog n) - Merge Sort takes time proportional to the logarithm of the number of elements, multiplied by the number of elements.

Step-by-step process of Merge Sort

  1. Divide step: Split the list into two parts. This process continues recursively.

  2. Conquer step: Individually sort each part.

  3. Merge step: Merge the sorted subarrays into one array.

  4. Sorted completion: All subarrays are merged to form a completely sorted array.

Features of the Divide and Conquer Method

  • Recursive approach: Breaks down problems into smaller problems and solves them recursively.

  • Efficiency: The divide and conquer method is highly efficient for large-scale data.

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