Implementing Merge Sort
1. Divide: Split the original list into two parts as evenly as possible.
Division Example
mid = len(arr) // 2
L = arr[:mid]
R = arr[mid:]
2. Recursive Sorting: Recursively sort each part.
Recursive Sorting Example
3. Merge: Combine the two sorted parts into one sorted list.
Merge Example
i = j = k = 0
while i < len(L) and j < len(R):
if L[i] < R[j]:
arr[k] = L[i]
i += 1
arr[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
while i < len(L):
arr[k] = L[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < len(R):
arr[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
Time Complexity
Worst-case time complexity
: O(nlog n)- Merge sort maintains a consistent time complexity during the divide and merge processes. At each level, the array is split in half, and for each level, it performs (n) operations. Therefore, it performs a total of (n) operations over ( \log n ) levels.
Best-case time complexity
: O(nlog n)- Even in the best case, merge sort proceeds with the same division and merge process, so the time complexity remains unchanged.
Average time complexity
: O(nlog n)- In general cases, merge sort maintains a consistent time complexity of (O(n log n)). It requires the same amount of work regardless of the initial sorted state of the array.
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