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Iterating Over Key-Value Pairs with the items() Function

The items() function in a dictionary allows you to use a loop to work with both keys and values.

items() returns each item in the dictionary as a tuple of key-value pairs.

Example of items function
info = {'name': 'CodeMaster', 'age': 30}

for key, value in info.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")

# Output
# name: CodeMaster
# age: 30

Processing Key-Value Pairs with a Loop

When used with a for loop, the items() function allows you to perform various operations on each key-value pair in a dictionary.

Below is an example of code that outputs different messages based on the dictionary's keys.

Example of items function with conditional statements
info = {'name': 'CodeMaster', 'age': 30, 'job': 'developer'}

for key, value in info.items():
if key == 'name':
print(f"{key} is {value}")
elif key == 'age':
print(f"{key} will be {value + 5} years old in 5 years")
print(f"{key} is confidential information")

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