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The Relationship Between Classes and Methods

A method is a function defined inside a class and describes the operations that objects (instances) of the class can perform.

Methods are used to change the state of an object or execute tasks related to an object.

Classes and methods have the following relationship:

  • A class contains methods, and a method defines the common actions that objects of the class can perform.

  • An object (instance) created from a class can use the methods defined in the class.

Example of Classes and Methods

Example of Classes and Methods
# Define the Animal class
class Animal:
# Constructor method
def __init__(self, name):
# Set the name attribute = name

# Define the speak method
def speak(self):
# Use the name attribute to return a string
return f"My name is {}."

# Example of using the class
my_pet = Animal("Buddy")

# Outputs: 'My name is Buddy.'

In the code above, the Animal class has a speak method.

And the my_pet object can use the speak method because it is an instance of the Animal class.

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