Hex Code
is short for hexadecimal
, which is a way to represent color values in base-16.
Basic Structure
A hex code starts with the #
symbol, followed by six hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F).
→ white#000000
→ black#FF0000
→ red
Color Composition
The six characters of a hex code are grouped into pairs, each representing red (R), green (G), and blue (B) respectively.
For example, in the hex code #FF5733
represents the intensity of the red color. -
represents the intensity of the green color. -
represents the intensity of the blue color.
You can use hex codes in CSS to specify the color of an element.
div {
background-color: #ff5733;
The above code sets the background color of the div
element to #FF5733
Short Hex Code
Sometimes, you can use a three-character hex code to represent colors. This is useful when each color component has the same value.
Follow the highlighted parts of the code as you input it.
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