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Date Object

JavaScript uses the Date object to handle date and time information.

Creating a Date Object

In JavaScript, you can create a new date object using new Date().

Creating a Date Object
const now = new Date();
console.log(now); // Outputs the current date and time

Various Uses of the Date Object

  1. Setting a specific date and time: You can set a specific date and time when creating a Date object.

    Setting a specific date and time
    const birthDay = new Date('1995-07-20');

  1. Getting year, month, day, hour, minute, and second: You can retrieve specific information from the Date object.

    Getting year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
    const now = new Date();

    const year = now.getFullYear(); // Year
    const month = now.getMonth() + 1; // Month (starts from 0 so add 1)
    const date = now.getDate(); // Day
    const hours = now.getHours(); // Hour
    const minutes = now.getMinutes(); // Minute
    const seconds = now.getSeconds(); // Second

  1. Changing the date and time: You can also change the date or time information of the Date object.

    Changing the date and time
    const birthDay = new Date('1995-07-20');

    birthDay.setFullYear(2000); // Change year to 2000
    birthDay.setMonth(0); // Change month to January (starts from 0)
    birthDay.setDate(1); // Change day to 1


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