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Implementing Carousel Functionality

Let's implement the carousel functionality using JavaScript.

Explanation of the popularButtons Function

This function handles the behavior of two buttons (popular-left-button and popular-right-button) used to scroll through a list of popular items horizontally.

Variable Setup:

  • items: This code selects all elements with the .popular-item class throughout the document and returns a NodeList.
const items = document.querySelectorAll('.popular-item');
  • leftButton and rightButton: These lines grab references to the left and right scroll buttons, respectively.
const leftButton = document.querySelector('.popular-left-button');
const rightButton = document.querySelector('.popular-right-button');
  • currentIndex: This variable is used to keep track of the index of the currently visible item on the screen. It is initially set to 0, indicating the first item.
let currentIndex = 0;

Left Button Event Listener

  • Add a 'click' event listener to leftButton and define a callback function to be executed upon clicking.
  • Inside the callback function, decrease currentIndex (if it's greater than 0), and scroll to the corresponding item.
leftButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (currentIndex > 0) {
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'start',

Right Button Event Listener

  • Add a 'click' event listener to rightButton.
  • Here, we increase currentIndex (if it's less than the index of the last item) and scroll to the corresponding item.
rightButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (currentIndex < items.length - 1) {
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'start',

scrollIntoView Method

  • scrollIntoView is a method that scrolls the element into the visible area of the browser, making it smoothly appear in view. It is applied to the item at the current index (items[currentIndex]).
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'start',
  • behavior: 'smooth': This option makes the scrolling smooth and animated.
  • block: 'nearest': This option ensures the target element is placed closest to the visible portion of the scrollable element.
  • inline: 'start': This option places the target element at the start of the scrollable element.

By following these steps, you can effectively create a scrollable carousel using the scrollIntoView method and JavaScript event listeners for button clicks.

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