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Advanced border-radius

If you want to specify different sizes for each corner, you can do so by assigning directions to the border-radius property.

For example, the CSS code below applies a 10px rounded corner to the top left corner and a 20px rounded corner to the bottom right corner of an element with the class box.

Applying border-radius to specific corners
.box {
border-top-left-radius: 10px; /* Top left corner */
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; /* Bottom right corner */

By specifying %(percentage) as the value of the border-radius, you can create circular or elliptical corners.

For example, if you set the border-radius value to 50%, the corners will be rounded by 50% of the element's width.

This means the element will be circular.

Using % as a border-radius value
.box {
border-radius: 50%;

The CSS code above makes all corners of the element with the box class round, creating a circular shape.

The profile-image class used for profile images on a website sets the border-radius property value to 50% to make the image circular as shown below.

Making a profile image circular
.profile-image {
border-radius: 50%;

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