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102 docs tagged with "CSS"

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<style> Tag

Adding inline style information to a web document using the <style> tag

Animation Basics

Understand the basic structure and effects of CSS animations and create a simple animation in this chapter.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect-ratio property in CSS and the img tag


How to style the background of a web page in various ways using CSS


Styling borders of elements in CSS

Box Model

The CSS structural model that considers each element on a web page as a box

Carousel Styling

Learn how to style a carousel using CSS. This guide covers the key styling points and their respective CSS properties in detail.


How to apply consistent styles to multiple HTML elements


Combining CSS selectors to create more complex selectors

Creating a Button

Learn how to create buttons and understand their role and composition on a web page.

Creating a Contact Form

Learn how to create an essential contact form for a business page. Design and implement a basic contact form for communication with users using HTML and CSS.

Creating a Menu

Learn about the ol and ul tags by creating a menu for a webpage.

CSS Animation

Using the CSS animation property to add animation effects to elements on a webpage

Dark Mode and Light Mode

An overview of the basic concepts of dark mode and light mode, reasons for using them, and how to implement them on a webpage.

Display Properties

Using the display property to determine the box type of an element and define how that element will be displayed on the screen

em and rem

Differences and uses of relative size units em and rem


How to style text using fonts + Introduction to default web browser fonts (serif, sans-serif, monospace)


Efficient web layout design using CSS Grid

HTML video Tag

With the HTML video tag, you can display videos on a webpage.


How to control the outer space of an element in CSS using margin

Media Query

Optimize web design for various screen sizes using Media Query


Adjusting element transparency on web pages using the opacity property


The padding property in CSS for setting the inner spacing of elements

Pixel (px)

Introduction to the pixel (px), an absolute length unit


How to position elements on a web page using the position property


Applying styles to elements based on specific states using CSS pseudo-classes


How to apply styles to elements based on specific states using CSS pseudo-classes

Reset CSS

The necessity and usage of Reset CSS to minimize style differences across browsers

Slide Animation

Implementing animation effects in carousel slides by adjusting opacity

Styling Buttons

Understand the functionality and role of buttons through button styling.

Styling the Menu

Learn how to style menus and menu items to enhance the user interface.

vw and vh

Introduction and usage of units vw and vh based on screen width and height

What is Grid Layout?

What is Grid Layout? CSS Grid is a method to arrange the elements of a webpage within a grid, similar to a chessboard.

What is Navigation?

Learn what navigation is and how to create a navigation bar using HTML and CSS.