The Three Pillars of Web Programming
A webpage is a comprehensive result of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript working together.
By effectively utilizing these three elements, you can create not only simple websites but also sophisticated, logically constructed games as seen on screens.
What roles do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript play on the web?
HTML: The Skeleton of a Webpage
HTML is like the skeleton
of a person.
It defines the structure of a webpage and organizes the content that appears on the screen.
CSS: The Clothes of a Webpage
CSS is like the clothes
of a person.
Using CSS, you can apply design elements like style, color, and size to HTML elements.
JavaScript: The Brain of a Webpage
JavaScript is like the brain
of a person.
Used alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic functionality to a webpage.
Dynamic functionality refers to actions such as changing the background color when a specific button is clicked or validating the value entered in an input field (e.g., ensuring a password is at least 6 characters long).