Box Model
The Box Model is a CSS structure that considers each element on a web page as a box
This box consists of four parts: 'content', 'padding', 'border', and 'margin'.
Let's compare these parts of the box model to a box of chocolates. π«
Content: The chocolates inside the box (the area where the actual content is located)
Padding: The space between the chocolates and the edges of the box (the space between the content and the border)
Border: The box itself (the border of the box)
Margin: The space between the chocolate box and other chocolate boxes (the space between other elements)
Let's take a closer look at each component of the box model.
1. Contentβ
Content is the part that is actually visible on the web page, such as text or images.
<!-- A box containing the text "content area" -->
<div class="box">content area</div>
.box {
width: 200px; /* Setting the width of the box to 200px */
height: 100px; /* Setting the height of the box to 100px */
2. Paddingβ
Padding refers to the space between the content and the border.
.box {
padding: 20px; /* Adding 20px of padding on all sides (top, right, bottom, left) */
3. Borderβ
The border is the boundary line of the box. You can specify the thickness, style, and color of the border using CSS.
.box {
border: 5px solid black; /* A black border of 5px thickness with a solid style */
4. Marginβ
Margin refers to the space outside the border, creating separation between this element and others.
.box {
margin: 15px; /* Adding 15px of margin around the box */
CSS Box Model Exampleβ
<div class="box">Hello!</div>
.box {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
padding: 20px;
border: 5px solid blue;
margin: 15px;
background-color: yellow;
Following the CSS code, the div element with the class .box
has the following characteristics:
Content saying "Hello!"
20px of padding between the content and the border
A border with 5px thickness in blue color
15px of margin outside the border
Type in the highlighted parts of the code for emphasis.
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