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What is a Logo?

The logo of a webpage is a very important element that represents the brand of the website.

It is usually located at the top of the webpage and generally set as a clickable link.

Example Code

Example Code for Logo - html
<!-- Logo -->
<span id="logo">
<a href="#"> {WebsiteName} </a>
Example Code for Logo - css
.navbar #logo img {
display: block;
width: 40px;

Here, we will use text to assemble the logo.

There are various ways to create a logo, but using text is the simplest and easiest way.

Here, we have used the <span> tag for the text.

And using the <a> tag inside, we have set a link to navigate to the main page when the logo is clicked.

To set the link, you just need to put a value in the href attribute. We used # to signify the current page.

So, clicking the logo will reload the current page.

If you want to navigate to a different page, you can specify the URL in the href attribute.

For example, to navigate to Google, you can set href="".

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