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Concatenating Strings with the + Operator

The simplest way to concatenate strings is by using the '+' operator.

The '+' operator can only be used between strings. If you attempt to use it with non-string data types, it will result in a type error. To combine strings with other data types, you must first convert the other data types to strings.

String Concatenation Example
greeting = "Python " + "Programming!"

print(greeting) # "Python Programming!"

# Convert a number to a string for concatenation
age = 30

message = "I am " + str(age) + " years old."

print(message) # "I am 30 years old."

Characteristics of the + Operator for Strings

  • Simplicity: The '+' operator is useful for keeping your code concise while joining strings.

  • String Only: The '+' operator applies only to string data types.

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