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String IndexError(index out of range) Exception

When indexing a string, an IndexError is raised if you attempt to reference a non-existent index.

This error typically occurs when accessing an index that exceeds the string's length.

For example, for a string of length 5 such as s = "hello", attempting to access s[5] or s[6] will result in an IndexError.

String indices start from 0, so in the string "hello", s[4] is valid, but s[5] is not.

To prevent this error, ensure that you check the length of the string and only access indices that fall within the valid range.

IndexError Example

Example of IndexError
word = "Python"
# Correct indexing
print(word[0]) # 'P'

# IndexError occurrence
print(word[6]) # IndexError: string index out of range

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