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Implementing Carousel Functionality

Now, let's use JavaScript to create a functional carousel.

Setting Initial Values

let slideIndex = 1;

Before starting to implement the carousel functionality, we need to set some initial values.

First, we'll create a variable called slideIndex to store the index of the currently displayed slide.

To ensure the first slide is shown initially, we set slideIndex to 1.

Then, we invoke the showSlides function, passing the slideIndex as an argument.

Here, because the value of slideIndex is 1, the first slide will be displayed.

Implementing Slide Navigation Functionality

Creating Previous/Next Buttons
<a class="prev" onclick="plusSlides(-1)">&#10094;</a>
<a class="next" onclick="plusSlides(1)">&#10095;</a>

We already structured the carousel and created the previous/next buttons.

Now we need to make these buttons functional so that slides change on click.

Defining the plusSlides Function for Navigation
function plusSlides(n) {
showSlides((slideIndex += n));

We already discussed that the showSlides function displays a slide based on the value of the passed argument.

The plusSlides function is designed to call the showSlides function.

It calls the showSlides function, increasing the value of slideIndex by n.

So, if n is 1, the slideIndex value increases by 1, and if n is -1, the slideIndex value decreases by 1.

Therefore, when the value of slideIndex is 1 (showing the first slide), calling plusSlides(1) increments the slideIndex to 2, showing the second slide.

Similarly, if the value of slideIndex is 2 (showing the second slide), calling plusSlides(-1) decrements the slideIndex to 1, showing the first slide again.

Thus, calling the plusSlides function results in the slideIndex value increasing or decreasing by 1, allowing for slide navigation.

Implementing Direct Slide Selection Functionality

Creating Indicators
<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(1)"></span>
<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(2)"></span>
<span class="dot" onclick="currentSlide(3)"></span>

Aside from the previous/next buttons, we also created indicators.

Clicking these dot-shaped indicators should take the user to a specific slide.

Clicking the first dot should display the first slide, the second dot should display the second slide, and the third dot should display the third slide.

Defining the currentSlide Function
function currentSlide(n) {
showSlides((slideIndex = n));

Similar to the plusSlides function, the currentSlide function calls the showSlides function.

However, when calling showSlides, it sets the value of slideIndex to n.

So, if n is 1, slideIndex is set to 1, if n is 2, slideIndex is set to 2, and if n is 3, slideIndex is set to 3.

Thus, when the value of slideIndex is 1 (showing the first slide), calling currentSlide(3) will set slideIndex to 3, displaying the third slide.

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