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Advanced Event Handling

When an event (e.g., click, keyboard input) occurs on a web page, it propagates through the DOM tree, passing through two phases: capturing and bubbling.

Event Bubbling and Capturing

Event capturing and bubbling can be imagined as a water droplet falling from the top of a tree down to the ground (capturing) and then bouncing back up from the ground (bubbling).

1. Capturing: The event starts from the highest (parent) element and travels down to the element that actually triggered the event. For example, when a click event occurs, the event starts from the document object and travels down to the target element.

2. Bubbling: The event starts from the element that actually triggered the event and travels up to the highest (parent) element. For example, when you click a button, the event bubbles up to the form, section, and the main body of the page that contains the button.

Stopping Event Propagation

stopPropagation and preventDefault Methods

  1. stopPropagation: Stops the event from further propagating

    • Example: The code below prevents the click event from propagating to parent elements.
    Stop Event Propagation
    element.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

  1. preventDefault: Prevents the browser's default action (e.g., link navigation, form submission)

    • Example: The code below prevents the browser's default action of navigating to a URL when a link is clicked.
    Prevent Default Action on Link Click
    document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
    console.log("Link was clicked, but we're not navigating anywhere!");

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