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br, hr Tags

The br tag creates a line break on a web page, while the hr tag draws a horizontal line.

1. <br> Tag

  • The <br> tag stands for "Break" and is used to insert a line break in a web page. For example, when entering text like poetry where each verse starts on a new line, you can use <br>.

  • Using the <br> tag in text editing is similar to pressing the 'Enter' key.

Example of Using the <br> Tag

Example of the br Tag
<p>First line<br />Second line</p>


The <br> tag is empty, meaning it does not have a closing tag. Simply insert <br> or <br/> wherever you want to add a line break in the document.

The tags <br> and <br/> are functionally the same, but HTML5 recommends using <br>.

2. <hr> Tag

  • The <hr> tag stands for "Horizontal Rule" and is used to create a horizontal line on a web page. It is commonly used to visually separate content sections.


Example of the hr Tag
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<hr />
<p>Paragraph 2</p>


Like the <br> tag, the <hr> tag is also self-closing and does not require a closing tag. The appearance of the line (thickness, color, etc.) can be customized using CSS.

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