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h Tag

The <h> tags, defined from <h1> to <h6>, specify the heading elements of a document.

h tags help in shaping the hierarchical structure of a webpage and indicating the importance of content.

<h1> represents the most important, high-level large heading, while <h6> denotes the least important, low-level small heading.

For example, the h1 tag can be used as shown below.

h1 Tag Example
<h1>Hello World</h1>

The above HTML code example displays "Hello World" as the highest level heading. The opening tag <h1> indicates the start of a large heading, and the closing tag </h1> indicates the end of the large heading.

Note that HTML tag names are case-insensitive, so <h1> and <H1> are recognized as the same by web browsers.

However, it is generally a convention to write tags in lowercase, so it is recommended to write <h1> instead of <H1>.

For search engine optimization (SEO), it is best to use only one h1 tag per webpage.

Follow the highlighted parts of the code and practice inputting them.

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