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input Input Tag

To receive information from users on a web page, we use <input />.

For example, when registering for a membership, you use the input tag to collect the username or password.

Code Example:

input Tag
<input type="text" />

input Basic Attributes

The input tag can be controlled with various attributes, primarily using the type, name, placeholder, and value attributes.

input Tag Basic Attributes
<input type="text" name="city" placeholder="Enter city name" value="New York" />

input Type Attribute

input can receive various types of information from users.

  • text: General text input

  • password: Password input. The input content is displayed as asterisks (*)

  • checkbox: Provides selection items in the form of a checkbox

The behavior and appearance of the input change depending on the type.

Code Example:

input Tag Type Attribute
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter text" />

<input type="password" placeholder="Enter password" />

<input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="yes" /> Subscribe to Newsletter

name, placeholder

  • name: Defines the name of this input. Usually, it defines the name sent to the server when submitting the form.

  • placeholder: Displays a preview text in the input field. It can give the user a hint about what information to enter.

value and defaultValue

In the input element, the value and defaultValue attributes are used to set and initialize values.

Both attributes specify the value of the <input> element, but their behavior differs.

value Attribute

  • The value attribute represents the current value of the <input> element.
  • If the value attribute is set upon page load, it is set as the initial value.
  • Changing the value attribute with JavaScript also changes the current value of the input field.
  • The value attribute is updated each time the user enters or changes the value in the input field.
<input type="text" value="initial value">

defaultValue Attribute

  • The defaultValue attribute sets the default value of the <input> element.
  • It is initialized with the default value set upon page load.
  • Even if the user changes the value in the input field, the defaultValue attribute value does not change.
  • When the form is reset, the input field's value returns to the defaultValue attribute value.
<input type="text" defaultValue="default value">

Follow the highlighted parts of the code to input them.

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